Yunus Rajabiy Berta Davydova Viktor Uspensky Mukarram Turhunboeva
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Yunus Rajabiy

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Berta Davydova

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Viktor Uspensky

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Mukarram Turhunboeva

Cultural space of Boysun

Domain: Knowledge and Practices concerning Nature and the Universe
Index Number: 04.02.01


Cultural space of Boysun was recognized by UNESCO as the "Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" among the first 19 nominations (i.e. objects of cultural heritage of world community) in 2001. Consequently, in 2008, it was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Humanity of UNESCO. These events, in turn, gave an incentive for in-depth study, documentation and preservation of folk culture of Boysun and its artistic traditions.

The cultural space of Boysun is a result of human's creative spirit, which has evolved and transformed over history. Its traditional art and folklore, while developing for centuries on the basis of indigenous traditions, witnessed various impacts, which were results of peculiar way of historical development.
Boysun, as a unique object of historical and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan, already by the middle of the ХХ century stood out as the distinct territory with key archaeological sites and monuments. The most unique of them are: the site of Neanderthal man in the cave of "Teshik-Tash" near Machay village; "Kushan Border Wall" and "Iron Gates" gorge near Derbent; Greco-Macedonian fortress of "Kurganzol"; Kushan fortress of "Poyonkurgan"; about two hundred rock paintings of "magical hunt" for bulls in the mountains of Kugitanga in Zarautsai; the tracks of dinosaurs which lived some 65 million years ago near the village of Gumtalak and Kurgoncha; an ancient construction of an "Earth Bridge" in the village of Pulhokim; a miracle of mountain engineering - a step-road over the "Shoti" precipice, which is more than 200 years old, and which is located not far from the village of Dekhibolo (Diybolo); stunningly beautiful gorge of "Surkhi" with its "Sulton" spring in the village of Kurgoncha; Omonkhona, with its unique and curative spring, which cures many diseases and the tomb of Holy Khoja Sultan Vali, etc. Such a diversity and richness of synthetic culture of Boysun, as testified by the aforementioned archaeological sites and monuments, is closely connected to its strategic location at the crossroads of trade routes of the Great Silk Road.

Tangible and intangible culture of Boysun is represented by various elements of art and culture, which are typical for the people of Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, and to some extent, of India. As such, in traditional culture of the region it is possible to observe existence of settled and nomadic folklore-, ritual-, and crafts-related traditions of Turkic and Eastern Iranian peoples, which represent a combination of Islamic views and ancient superstitious beliefs. Moreover, suitable geographic location of the region allowed preserving many traditions associated with folk culture (i.e. a traditional way of life, original traditions in folk creativity). And these manifest themselves in folk music and oral poetic creativity; in originality of epics, folk crafts and national dresses; in sustainable existence of the most ancient rituals; in folk games. In addition, manifestation of these traditions is a result of peculiar economic and cultural environment under which many ethnic groups (such as Turks, Khongirads, Katagans, Chagatais, Karluqs, Durmens, Kharduri, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Barlases, and others) have been living.

Notably, there are many legends and fairy-tales, which explain the origins of the names of villages in Boysun. Also, traditions and rituals were preserved there, which are associated with family festivities, (such as "Nikoh toy" or "Oghil toy" ("wedding ceremony")) with their diverse spectacular performances, folk games, competitions and d